Summer Skin Care Tips!

We often forget that we need to nourish our skin from within as well as externally.
Tis summer, my must haves was mostly natural and a few core essentials that I have proven to work for me. Check out my list below:

1. Coconut Oil: Very good and healthy for your skin and using in your foods or drinks.

2. Honey dew Melon: This fruit is great for your skin. Check out my book Honey Dew Summers
(A Beautiful Collections of Poems and Spoken word that represent a poetic expression of positive)

3. Clean and Clear Dee Action scrub which removes all blockheads and build ups

4. Lemons: Lemons provide antioxidants and enhances the taste of your drinking water. Add a spoonful to your bottled water  and get results in your skin
 5. Carrot juice: This is a vegetable that is best organically. The carrot juice helps to cleanse and brighten your skin.

6. Aloe Vera Gel: This to keep you skin feeling fresh, tight and toned. 

7. Make Your Own Skin Mask: Using the aloe vera gel, add one drop of lemon juice to the gel, egg white and a drop of honey. This helps to reduce blemishes and give you even skin tone.

For more wonderful DIY Skincare Tips check out my book: Fabulosity Is You!

Comment below which one is your favorite!
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-Winsome Brinkley
